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Comenius 'Hands and Feet' Project 2011-2013 - Comenius exhibition in Castelmassa

Comenius exhibition in Castelmassa

Last 22nd and 23rd and 24th of April in Castelmassa the Istituto Comprensivo of Castelmassa organized an important exhibition about our project "Hands and Feet" at a local market hall.

We invited students, parents, political authorities.
  • We presented by big screen, fases of the project so far made by photos and short movie
  • The craft book
  • Stalls for the sale of products made by schools..
It's been a real success. Also the newspapers wrote several articles

The teachers Lia and Roberta show the glass objects produced by children of the Primary school of Castelmassa.

Some teachers of the primary school of Bergantino with some manufacts (the cook spoon stand)

The stand of the Primary school of Melara (you can see the greatings paper cards)

The beautiful works of the Primary school of Ceneselli

Primary school of Castelnovo Bariano presents: Clay artifacts created in the laboratory of archeology

The authorities describe the Comenius project "Hands and Feet"

People look and buy the Comenius products of the Istituto Comprensivo of Castelmassa
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