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Comenius 'Hands and Feet' Project 2011-2013 - Comenius teachers in our classroom

Comenius teachers in our classroom

The Comenius teachers visited us in our pokies australia classroom. We could even ask them some questions.

All Comenius teachers wrote „Good morning, good bye and one, two, three“ on our blackboard.

Here you can see Cathie Long from Wales and Neslihan from Turkey writing in their languages.

Here, we’re singing a song for our guests.

Fran from Spain is having lunch with us at the Mensa.


We had rice, meat with a delicious sauce and a salad in the Mensa. For dessert, there was apple pie and a coffee for the grown-ups.

We should have days like this more often at school!

Katharina und Franziska (class 4a)

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