M’Illumino di meno Caterpillar – RAI 2 ITALY
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- 11 Mar 2013
- Instituto Comprensivo Castelmassa - Italy
The 15th of February 2013 all the schools of the Istituto Comprensivo of Castelmassa participated at “M’Illumino di meno”: an initiative by RAI 2 radio- Italy.
During the day we turned off the lights for one hour, lit candles in the classrooms and on the windows, while the teachers of the primary schools were telling a fairy tale called “Remember to turn off the light”.
We stopped also the photocopying and computers.
Don’t worry the guardian of the light controlled the situation!
In the evening the towns have lowered public lighting and at home the families dined by candlelight.
a good behaviour: far from the heater, lights off, thesun lightens the classroom.
a bad behaviour: next to the heater, the shutters closed because the sunlight prevents students from seeing from the blackboard, lights on