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Comenius 'Hands and Feet' Project 2011-2013 - Spain - CEIP San Jose

Spain - CEIP San Jose

Surrounding area
San José Infant and Primary School is located in the centre of the Region of Murcia, in a quiet village called “Las Torres de Cotillas”. It´s about 15 km from the capital, the city of Murcia. There are about 22.000 inhabitants in the village.
The village is well-known by its industry. We produce a great variety of cleaning products, medical products and tinned-food, such as fruit and vegetables.

Our school buildings
The school was built in 1979 and is divided into two buildings, separated about 300 metres from each other. In one of the buildings (the “old school”), we have the infants and the first cycle of primary education and in the second building (the “new school”), we have the second and third cycles of primary education.

There is a gym in the school and a sport centre nearby with all kinds of facilities, such as indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, paddle courts, football pitch, etc.

Pupils and teachers
There are about 470 children altogether and we are 38 teachers plus another 8 people working in the kitchen, dining room and taking care of the school.

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