Hands and feet

Our 'hands and feet' Comenius Project will explore the similarities and differences between the partner countries in terms of the children's daily lives. The activities, employment patterns and environmental issues of the local and regional environments and also to see how our local problems & efforts link into European and Global issues. We aim to use a wide range of I.C.T involving as many people as possible. This will include people irrespective of age, gender, special needs and religious beliefs - children, teachers, families and the local community. Our project will be be:

Hands: September 2011 to February 2012

  • Hands that reach out and link In friendship e.g Writing e-mails and or letters to introduce themselves
  • What they like to do with their hands e.g. crafts, sports (2012 Olympic games)
  • Hands that help us at home e.g. Mum 
  • Dad – what work does he do? 
  • What jobs do the pupils do to help at home
  • Hands that help us in the wider community; e.g  police, ambulance, fire service etc
  • Hands that help us in school
  • What jobs do people do? E.g caretaker, cleaners, teachers, etc

Feet: March 2012 to May 2013

  • Whose feet have been there before us?
  • Any important historical people from our area
  • Historical background to the area
  • How we can reduce the impact – sustainability
  • Reduce / re-use / recycle

We will produce letters, e-mails, post cards, posters, DVDs and a craft book and will have to use entrepreneurial skills to cost, produce and sell their books in the local community. 

Project visits will give the opportunity to share detailed planning, implementation and evaluation. It will also give teachers the chance to compare education systems, to exchange ideas and learn from each other.