Comenius "Hands and feet" project
This homepages features information on the "Comenius - Hands and feet" project, which was an international collaboration of seven european primary school from 2011 - 2013. The project was financed by the European Unions Comenius Programme.
The aim of the project was to bring european pupils together and tell them more about the life of their european neighbours. Not just by reading books and watching movies, but by having real communication about every-day-life, common problems, wishes and future perspectives. Pupils communicated via eMail, videochat and the blog functionality of this website.
On top, teachers of the participating schools visited each other to organize and align sub-projects and learn about the education system and pricinples in other countries.
The project ended after the funding timeframe in 2013. This website will remain online to document the great time the european pupils and teachers shared.